True Science
“He who has a knowledge of God and His word through personal experience has a settled faith in the divinity of the Holy Scriptures. He has proved that God’s word is truth, and he knows that truth can never contra-dict itself. He does not test the Bible by men’s ideas of science; he brings these ideas to the test of the unerring standard. He knows that in true science there can be nothing contrary to the teaching of the word; since both have the same Author, a correct understanding of both will prove them to be in harmony. Whatever in so-called scientific teaching contradicts the testimony of God’s word is mere human guesswork.” E. G. White, Ministry of Healing, p. 462
“In true science there can be nothing contrary to the teaching of the word of God, for both have the same Author. A correct understanding of both will always prove them to be in harmony. Truth, whether in nature or in revelation, is harmonious with itself in all its manifestations. But the mind not enlightened by God’s Spirit will ever be in darkness in regard to His power. This is why human ideas in regard to science so often contradict the teaching of God’s word.” E. G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 258
… the physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” World Health Organization, 1948
… an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health.” E. G. White, Ministry of Healing, p. 127
Health Practices and Longevity
Ø Alameda County Study, California
Ø 6,900 people completed comprehensive lifestyle questionnaires
Ø These people were then followed for 9 years to see who lived and who died
Ø They found 7 basic health habits that were related to longevity
Breslow, Belloc – Good Health Practices Study, 1972
The 7 Good Health Practices Related To Longevity
- Adequate sleep, 7-8 hours per day
- Eating breakfast daily
- Regular meals, not snacking frequently
- Moderate or no use of alcohol
- Not smoking
- Weight in a healthy range
- Regular physical activity
Breslow, Belloc – Good Health Practices Study, 1972
To be continued….
Prepared by Gerald Eaton