Health on a Plate


Braided or Plaited Hair

1 Timothy 2:9 KJV
“In like manner also, that women ADORN themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with BROIDED HAIR, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.”
1 Peter 3:3 KJV
“Whose ADORNING let it not be that OUTWARD ADORNING of PLAITING THE HAIR, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel.”
It is very important we understand the key words in these verses.
The Greek word which is translated here by “adorn” is “kosmeō” which may also mean:

Strong’s Definition: From G2889; _to put in proper order, that is, decorate_ (literally or figuratively); specifically to snuff (a wick): – adorn, garnish, trim.
The Greek word translated into “broided hair” is “plegma” which is defined by
Thayer Definition:
_what is woven, plaited, or twisted together_
Though the word is not particularly to hair only but it also mean “plaited hair”.
As we can see in 1 Peter 3:3 used the specific Greek word: _”emplokē”_ which means,

Thayer Definition:
1. an interweaving, braiding, a knot
2. an elaborate gathering of one’s hair into knots.
Strong’s Definition: From G1707; elaborate braiding of the hair: – plaiting.

Today’s dictionary defines “to adorn” as:
To make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate.

Now that we understand the definitions. Do we understand the verses?
Why do we adorn ourselves? Do we adorn ourselves to sit at home? To go to sleep? Or to be seen by others?
When you wake up in the morning, you take a bath, you comb your hair and you dress nice you are adorning yourself but not with plaited hair.

There are those who twist their hair or plait. Whatever they do, before they go to bed, they haven’t adorn themselves, they just want to keep their hair together while sleeping and open it in the morning.
So we have two words in the bible that are together. The bible forbid adonement with plaited hair.

According to the definition, adornment is when you make yourself beautiful. Therefore the Bible forbids plaiting of making one’s self beautiful.
These two words, go together: to adorn with plaited hair.
You remove plaiting hair from to adorn, then to adorn yourself is no more a prohibition, or a sin because you can still adorn yourself with combed hair.

Now you remove adorning from plaited hair, then plaiting is no more a prohibition. Because the Bible is not saying you should not plait hair for any reason but for adornment.

There are those who twist their hair to keep it together when sleeping, and in the morning they open, this helps them to keep their hair together for easy handling in the morning. In most cases these twist are untidy, no woman can go out looking that way with it because it’s very untidy.

Example: when you wear your pyjama or your night gown, you don’t go around with it. But it’s no sin to wear it while you are sleeping.
How you look in your bedroom is not someone’s problem, it becomes someone’s problem when you’re walking with on the street. It’s the matter of the heart. Every Christian woman knows it’s wrong to plait her hair.

Therefore, adorning yourself with plaited either you are young or old, it is a sin before God.

What kind of simplicity should the Christian Woman seek in her dress, hair and deportment?

Simplicity of dress will make a sensible woman appear to the best advantage. {Counsels for the  Church, p. 183.1}

Dress as Christians should dress—simply, plainly adorn yourselves as becometh women professing godliness, with good works. {Counsels for the  Church, p. 183.2}

Many, in order to keep pace with absurd fashion, lose their taste for natural simplicity and are charmed with the artificial. They sacrifice time and money, the vigor of intellect, and true elevation of soul, and devote their entire being to the claims of fashionable life. {Counsels for the  Church, p. 183.3}

Dear youth, a disposition in you to dress according to the fashion, and to wear lace, and gold, and artificials for display, will not recommend to others your religion or the truth that you profess. People of discernment will look upon your attempts to beautify the external as proof of weak minds and proud hearts. {Counsels for the  Church, p. 183.4}

There is a dress which every child and youth may innocently seek to obtain. It is the righteousness of the saints. If they will only be as willing and persevering in obtaining this as they are in fashioning their garments after the standard of worldly society, they will very soon be clothed with the righteousness of Christ, and their names will not be blotted out of the book of life. Mothers, as well as youth and children, need to pray, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10. This purity of heart and loveliness of spirit are more precious than gold, both for time and for eternity. Only the pure in heart shall see God. {Counsels for the  Church, p. 183.5}

One of the points upon which those newly come to the faith will need faithful instruction is the subject of dress. In the examination of candidates for baptism this subject should not be lost sight of. Let the new converts be faithfully dealt with. Are they vain in dress? do they cherish pride of heart? The idolatry of dress is a moral disease. It must not be taken over into the new life. In most cases submission to the gospel requirements will demand a decided change in the dress. True conversion of the heart will work wonderful changes in the outward appearance. {6MR 158.1}

There should be no carelessness in dress. Teach the young converts that dress is a talent. For Christ’s sake, whose property we are, we should seek to make the best of our appearance. In the tabernacle service, God specified every detail concerning the garments of those who ministered before him. Thus we are taught that the Lord has a preference in regard to the dress of those who serve him. Very specific were the directions given in regard to Aaron’s robes, for his dress was symbolical. So the dress of Christ’s followers should be symbolical. In all things we are to be representatives of him. Good taste should be exercised in the selection of appropriate colors. Our dress should be tidy and well-fitting. The hair should be carefully arranged. Our appearance in every respect should be characterized by neatness, modesty, and purity. But the word of God gives us no sanction in making changes in our apparel merely for the sake of fashion, that we may appear like the world. When the desire for display in dress absorbs the mind, vanity is manifested. All this must be put away. {6MR 158.2}

The words of Scripture in regard to dress should be carefully considered. The Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul says, “In like manner also, let women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” And through the apostle Peter the instruction is given, “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” {6MR 159.1}

Christians are not to decorate the person with costly array of expensive ornaments. All this display imparts no value to the character. The Lord desires every converted person to put away the idea that dressing as worldlings dress will give value to our influence. The ornamentation of the person with jewels and luxurious things is a species of idolatry. This needless display reveals a love for those things which are supposed to place a value upon the person. It gives evidence to the world of a heart destitute of the inward adornment. Expensive dress and adornments of jewelry give an incorrect representation of the truth that should always be represented as of the highest value. An overdressed, outwardly adorned person bears the sign of inward poverty. A lack of spirituality. {6MR 159.2}

Extravagance in dress requires the expenditure of means that is needed to advance the work of the Lord. Extra ribbons and bows mean pennies and shillings spent needlessly. The trimming of ladies’ hats with high-standing bows is a needless expense, and it is unbecoming to a Christian. In the house of God the overtrimmed hats are a positive annoyance. The congregation desire to see the face of the speaker as well as to hear his voice; but the ladies’ hats with their high-standing ribbons and bows, obscure the view. Many in the congregation may be seen peering this way and that to get a glimpse of the speaker; but often their efforts are in vain. Their enjoyment of the service is marred, and the minister, who observes all this, is disturbed. {6MR 160.1}

Satan has a snare laid to captivate unwary souls by leading them to give more attention to the outward adorning than to the inward graces which love of truth and righteousness display as the fruit borne upon the Christian tree. If the enemy can keep the minds of believers centered upon their dress and outward appearance, he is well pleased. They injure their influence, and the cause of truth which they profess to love. {6MR 160.2}

The little ones should be educated in childlike simplicity. They should be trained to be content with the small, helpful duties and the pleasures and experiences natural to their years. Childhood answers to the blade in the parable, and the blade has a beauty peculiarly its own. Children should not be forced into a precocious maturity, but as long as possible should retain the freshness and grace of their early years. The more quiet and simple the life of the child–the more free from artificial excitement and the more in harmony with nature–the more favorable it is to physical and mental vigor and to spiritual strength. {Child Guidance, p. 139.1}

Parents should by their example encourage the formation of habits of simplicity, and draw their children away from an artificial to a natural life. {Child Guidance, p. 139.2}

Unaffected Children Are Most Attractive.–Those children are most attractive who are natural and unaffected. In all respects the dress should be healthful. “Above all things,” God desires us to “be in health”–health of body and of soul. And we are to be workers together with Him for the health of both soul and body. Both are promoted by healthful dress. {Child Guidance, p. 398.1}

It should have the grace, the beauty, the appropriateness of natural simplicity. Christ has warned us against the pride of life, but not against its grace and natural beauty. {Child Guidance, p. 398.2}

A large share of the Christian world have no right to call themselves Christians. Their habits, their extravagance, and general treatment of their own bodies are violations of physical law and contrary to the Bible. They are working out for themselves, in their course of life, physical suffering and mental and moral feebleness. {Confrontation, p. 58.3}

In all respects the dress should be healthful. “Above all things,” God desires us to “be in health” (3 John 2)– health of body and of soul. And we are to be workers together with Him for the health of both soul and body. Both are promoted by healthful dress. It should have the grace, the beauty, the appropriateness, of natural simplicity. {Counsels to Parents and Teachers, p. 303.2}

Christ has warned us against the pride of life, but not against its grace and natural beauty. He pointed to the flowers of the field, to the lily unfolding in its purity, and said, “Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Matthew 6:29. Thus by the things of nature, Christ illustrates the beauty that heaven values, the modest grace, the simplicity, the purity, the appropriateness, that would make our attire pleasing to Him. The most beautiful dress He bids us wear upon the soul. No outward adorning can compare in value or loveliness with that “meek and quiet spirit” which in His sight is “of great price.” 1 Peter 3:4. . . . {Counsels to Parents and Teachers, p. 303.3}

If men were more in love with natural simplicity, and cared less for the artificial and for fashionable show, they would escape many of the perplexities of life, and would find much more peace, quiet, and rest than they now enjoy. God does not impose heavy burdens upon his creatures; they bring them upon themselves by their unwillingness to conform to nature’s laws, and their eager desire to meet the demands of fashion. It is this that wears the human machinery by bringing a constant strain upon mind and body. “God made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” And these “many inventions” have brought in their train suffering and woe that would never have been known, had natural simplicity been preserved. {RH, February 24, 1885 par. 8}

God is the lover of every thing that is beautiful (in its natural simplicity). He loves to see every one of His creature beautiful.

Dorcas Luboya

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Dorcas Luboya

Vegan foodie

Hi I’m Dorcas Luboya, I am a qualified health educator.

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To me cooking is a ministry on its own. Ministering to people is not only preaching, I minister to people through the healthful cooking work.

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