Health on a Plate


Tofu is made of three ingredients, soybeans, water and a coagulant.
Soy milk, prepare of soybeans and water, is the precursor to tofu.
A coagulant is added to soy milk to create curds and whey. And it is the only ingredient that will change your end results.
It’s really not difficult to make tofu at home. You don’t need any fancy ingredient in order to make your own tofu at home. Making it might take a little while but it’s time well spent when you have something better to do than depending on the store-bought version.
If you have ever made your own soy milk at home then making tofu is not a big deal. In fact after you have made your soy milk, you can make tofu in less than an hour.
I love tofu, my kids loves it too, I make it once or twice per week. And I cook it in many different dishes. It is really very easy making your own tofu. Once you are used with it you will see what I am talking about. I feel so proud eating something that I have made myself from scratch. Our hand can do more, and sometimes the best things can be made with just our hands.
3 cups of dried soybeans
3 table spoons of fresh squeeze lemon juice.
1 cup of water
  1. Place the dried soybeans in a large mixing bowl and cover with water, let it soak over night. In the morning drain the beans and get ready to make soy milk.
  2. You will have about 6 cups of soaked soybeans, place 1 cup of the beans in a blender or food processor with 2 cups of water and blend each cup with 2 cups of water until smooth. If you have a big and powerful blender you can use two cups at the once. 
  3. Strain the blended mixture using your nut milk bag or cheese cloth in a large container bowl. Carefully lift the bag and press the milk out. Discard the ground soybeans or save them for another use. Squeeze out as much soy milk as possible. 
  4. Place the milk in the large pot and cook in medium heat for 20 to 30 minutes stirring occasionally to avoid the soy milk from burning on the bottom. If milk is burnt your tofu will smell bad. Let the milk boil for at least 20 minutes. 
  5. Combine lemon juice and water. 
  6. Reduce the heat and add in the lemon juice coagulant to the soymilk, stirring  with a wooden spoon or spatula in a whirlpool Patten.
  7. After stirring vigorously 4 or 5 times. Add the remaining lemon coagulant mixture, and this time stir gently in a figure eight pattern. When you notice that the soymilk is beginning to coagulate, cover the pot and let sit for 10 to 15 minute. 
  8. Line a colander, or any mold drainage with a clean tightly woven cotton cloth, or with few layers of cheesecloth and set the colander over a bowl or a pot that can support it, or in the kitchen sink. With a soup ladle, gently transfer the coagulated soymilk into the cloth-lined colander (or tofu press if you are using one). 
  9. Fold the cloth over the top of the coagulated soymilk and place a weight of 5 kgs, or 10 on top and let it stand for about 30 minutes or up to 2 hours. (I used a 10 liter bottles of water). This pressing process is to press out excess water and make the tofu firm. The heavier  the weight is, and the longer you let it stand, the harder the tofu you will get. I leave it up to 2 hours if I am not in any hurry. 
  10. Unwrap the tofu and serve. There are many delicious tofu dishes out there, so choose the one you like. To store tofu, place it in a container or a bowl of cold water, keep refrigerated for up to 1 week changing the water from time to time.


14 Responses

  1. Congratulations, you literally wrote one of the best posts I’ve seen in forever. If your blog isn’t already taking off, it definitely will if you keep sharing posts like this one.

      1. High sister.
        The recipe for tofu are so amazing. But a question, how Nutrious if this kind of food, doesn’t it have side effects as it is with other processed food?

        I do wish at least you analyse dangerous processed food, if possible and you have enough time.

  2. I”m in South Africa and would like to be in your cooking classes and natural hair classes, how do I contact you and how do I make the payment, I need the meat substitute classes.

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Dorcas Luboya

Vegan foodie

Hi I’m Dorcas Luboya, I am a qualified health educator.

And thank you for stopping by. Here you will find a collection of healthy and delicious plant-based recipes.

To me cooking is a ministry on its own. Ministering to people is not only preaching, I minister to people through the healthful cooking work.

Dorcas Luboya

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